When interviewing for dental assistant jobs, there can be a lot of waiting in anticipation, which can cause undue stress and anxiety. There’s a wait after submitting your resume for consideration for a job to see if you’re going to land an interview. There’s a wait after an interview to see if you’re going to be offered a job. And if you are offered a dental assistant position, there can even be a wait to receive a formal offer package. While these waits can be stressful, it’s important to know when to take action and when to be patient.
So You’ve Been Offered a Dental Assistant Job!
That’s great news. But let’s say that the hiring manager tells you that they’re going to present a formal offer to you within a certain number of days and you haven’t heard or seen anything yet. This can be a very challenging time to sit back and wait. You’ve come so close to landing that job, but now your on pins and needles hoping to have that offer in your hands. And the doubts begin to creep in. “What if they’ve given it to someone else?”
Don’t Stop Your Job Hunt
Even if you’ve received an informal verbal confirmation that you’re going to be offered a dental assistant position, don’t put your job hunt on hold. If things don’t materialize, you want to be moving in the right direction. Cover your bases by keeping your search active in the event that the offer doesn’t show up.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
If you have been informally notified that you should be expecting an offer, ask when you might see it. If you have a concrete idea of when the hiring manager expects to present a formal offer to you, then you’ll know how long to wait before following up.
Follow Up
If the stated amount of time passes and you still haven’t received a formal offer for a dental assistant position, don’t hesitate to cal the hiring manager to ask where they are in the process. Any number of things might delay the hiring process, but by following, you show that you’re interested in the opening and are taking a proactive approach.
Again, while waiting for an offer for a dental assistant job, the most important thing to do is to continue your search. By just stopping cold when you have a good felling about a position, you’re only going to be very disappointed if the offer never comes through.